Sound Archives of Marceau Gast
Ethnologist, Research Director at the CNRS, previously Director of the LAPMO (Laboratory for the Anthropology and Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean Countries), and previously member of IREMAM (The Institute of Research and Study on the Arab and Muslim World), Marceau Gast, who died in July 2010, left cases containing video and audio cassettes to the MMSH Sound Archives: the oral sources of his research. These formed the basis of his work carried out from the 1960s to the early 2000s in the Algerian south (Berber world), in Yemen, in the Queyras in France. Several overarching themes structure this archive: handicrafts, agricultural practices, food conservation techniques and oral traditions. Audio recordings available for consultation at the MMSH Sound Archives in Aix-en-Provence.
Please note:
- Notebook and audio notes of an ethnographer in Yemen in the 1980s, a first glimpse into Marceau Gast’s Yemen corpus by Laure Principaud.
- A thematic bibliography linked to the corpus of Marceau Gast’s audio archives on Yemen is accessible online on Zotero