The Presence of the Prophet in Early Modern and Contemporary Islam en deux volumes
Les deux premiers volumes réunissant les travaux de l'ANR-DFG PROPHET « La présence du Prophète : Muhammad au miroir de sa communauté dans l'Islam moderne et contemporain » viennent de paraître chez Brill et sont disponibles en Open Access.
Volume 1, The Prophet Between Doctrine, Literature and Arts: Historical Legacies and Their Unfolding
Series: Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 159/1
Denis Gril, Stefan Reichmuth, and Dilek Sarmis (dir.), Brill, xx, 716pp
This first collective volume outlines his figure in the early Islamic tradition, and its later transformations until recent times that were shaped by Prophet-centered piety and politics. A variety of case studies offers a unique overview of the interplay of Sunnī amd Shīʿī doctrines with literature and arts in the formation of his image. They trace the integrative and conflictual qualities of a “Prophetic culture”, in which the Prophet of Islam continues his presence among the Muslim believers.
Contributors: Hiba Abid, Nelly Amri, Caterina Bori, Francesco Chiabotti, Rachida Chih, Adrien de Jarmy, Daniel De Smet, Mohamed Thami El Harrak, Brigitte Foulon, Denis Gril, Christiane Gruber, Tobias Heinzelmann, David Jordan, Pierre Lory, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Samuela Pagani, Alexandre Papas, Michele Petrone, Stefan Reichmuth, Meryem Sebti, Dilek Sarmis, Matthieu Terrier, Jean-Jacques Thibon, Marc Toutant, Ruggiero Vimercati Sanseverino.
Volume 2, Heirs of the Prophet: Authority and Power
Series: Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 159/2
Rachida Chih, Stefan Reichmuth, and David Jordan (dir.), Brill, xvi, 504pp
This second collective volume of the series The Presence of the Prophet explores the growing importance of the figure of the Prophet Muhammad for questions of authority and power in early modern and modern times.
The authors provide a rich collection of case studies on how Muhammad’s material, spiritual, and genealogical heritage has been claimed for the foundation of Muslim empires, revolutionary movements, the formation of modern nation states and ideologies, as well as for communal mobilization and social reform.
This novel comparative, and diachronic study, which is unique for its wide coverage of regional cases and perspectives, reveals diverse political representations of the Prophet in an increasingly globalised struggle over the control of his image between secularization and sacralization.
Contributors: Gianfranco Bria, Rachida Chih, Christoph Günther, Gottfried Hagen, Jan-Peter Hartung, David Jordan, Soraya Khodamoradi, Jamal Malik, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Alix Philippon, Martin Riexinger, Stefan Reichmuth, Dilek Sarmis, Renaud Soler, Jaafar Ben El Haj Soulami, Florian Zemmin.