The Contemporary Social Sciences Research Team (SSC) brings together researchers and lecturers whose work deals with the historical, political, sociological, economic or cultural processes that impact the Arab and Muslim worlds, from the early 20th century to the modern day.
In a comparative perspective, this team aims to decompartmentalise research on the Maghreb and the Mashrek, questioning the effects of historical processes (colonisation, independence, development, economic liberalisation, democratic transition, authoritarian resilience, etc.) that they share with other regions of the world (Europe, North America, Latin America, etc.). This research takes current “projections” of this region in a globalised world into account, as well as a diverse range of unique regional approaches (the Maghreb’s strong connections to Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, Near- and Middle-Eastern migrations in the world, but also more recent immigrations toward the Arab world). Using a multi-disciplinary perspective, this research brings together different approaches from the social sciences: political sciences, history of the present day, sociology, geography and anthropology.
The SSC Research Team’s activities include several research programs, and follow three principal themes.
Team Leaders: Thomas Pierret et Marine Poirier
Researchers, Professors, Emeritus: Saïd Belguidoum (Emeritus), Kamel Chachoua (CR), Julien Garric (MCF), Vincent Geisser (CR), Eric Gobe (DR), Françoise Lorcerie (DREM), Cédric Parizot (CR), Thomas Pierret (CR), Marine Poirier (CR), François Siino (IRHC), Marie Vannetzel (CR)
PhD students: Riadh Ben Mami, Victor Dupont, Minas Ouchaklian, Clémence Vendryes
Associate Researchers: Bernard Botiveau, Rémi Caucanas, Marie-Christine Cerrato Debenedetti, Agnès De Féo, Mouhamadou Mbacké Diouf, Simon Dubois, Jamel El Hamri, Mustapha El Mnasfi, Laure Guirguis, Jean-Robert Henry, Jean-François Legrain, Fabienne Le Houérou, Joe Macaron, Ahmed Mahiou, Stéphane Papi, Mathilde Rouxel, Sbeih Sbeih, Michele Scala