Exhibitions and International Conference "Territories of migration: Refugees in Space and Time"
Wednesday 15 May 2019, 8h30-16h, IFAS-Recherche, Johannesburg. With Matthieu Rey, History Workshop, Wits, IFAS-Recherche, IREMAM, CNRS.
The conference and the exhibitions are organised by IFAS-Recherche in partnership with the Afro Middle East Centre (AMEC), the Alliance Française in Johannesburg, the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS), Wits History Workshop, the ANR-Lajeh, the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo), the Institut de recherche et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans (Iremam), the Observatoire des Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (OMAM). More information
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