
Migrations in Jordan - Livres & MAM avec Valentina Napolitano et Norig Neveu 

Jeudi 28 novembre 2024, à 14h, Livres & MAM accueillera Valentina Napolitano (IRD) et Norig Neveu (IREMAM) pour évoquer Migrations in Jordan. Reception Policies and Settlement Strategies (Bloomsbury 2024).

L’entretien sera mené par Virginie Baby-Collin (TELEMMe). Il aura lieu à la médiathèque de la MMSH (Aix-en-Provence) en salle Seurat.

Jordan currently hosts the second largest percentage of registered refugees in the world: three million out of its eleven million inhabitants. Its experience in hosting migrants and refugees precedes its independence in 1946, with the arrival of Circassians, Chechens, and Armenians from the late 19th century. Jordan thus constitutes a unique observatory for reception policies and long-term settlement of different migrant groups.

Based on original empirical and archival material, this volume focuses on migrations caused by conflicts, wars, and crises underscoring their articulation with longstanding human mobility. It sheds light on the cumulative and processual dimensions of Jordan's reception policies and migrants' settlement strategies. It identifies the multiple actors involved in the management of migrants and, conversely, the latter's contribution to the Jordanian social, economic, political, and urban fabric.

The first part of the volume examines the policies adopted by the Jordanian authorities and international organizations to regulate access to basic services and to the labour market, and explores the economic and political factors underlying them. The second part analyzes the effects of Jordan's policies on the territorial distribution and settlement of migrants. How have these policies, combined with the adaptation strategies of migrants contributed to shaping new urban spaces? The third part focuses on capacity of the migrants to activate, establish, (re)build, and intersect different kinds of solidarity networks within the context of protracted displacement.

L'ouvrage est disponible à la médiathèque de la MMSH - Cote : JOR 325 MIG.

Livres & MAM est un cycle d’entretiens organisé par l’IREMAM et la médiathèque de la MMSH avec les auteur.e.s d’ouvrages académiques récents sur les mondes arabes et musulmans. Les séances sont visibles sur la chaîne Youtube de l’IREMAM et réécoutables en podcast sur Spotify et les principales plateformes (Google PodcastsApple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Radio Public et bientôt d’autres). Conception et réalisation : Thomas Pierret

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