Photo : Amman, Jordan © Hisham Zayadnh, Unsplash
Webinar “Rethinking the Nationhood in the Middle East: Jordan as a case study” - First Session
Webinar supported by Institut Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée (SoMuM), within the framework of the Najor@Mo project, "Repenser le national au Moyen-Orient : la Jordanie comme cas d’étude". Organizers: Taher Labadi, Ifpo, Simon Mangon, Mesopolhis, Norig Neveu, Iremam.
Tuesday 8th of February, 3.00-5.00 p.m (CET), online. Zoom Link / ID: 860 4217 7612 / Secret code: 761689
“The Nationhood in Jordan: historical approach, critical perspective” with Myriam Catusse (Ifpo) & Norig Neveu (Iremam).
This first session of the NaJor@Mo seminar aims to lay the groundwork for a reflection on the proposed approaches to the national fact in Jordan. How is the Nationhood and its counterpart, the State, understood or considered in the Middle East? In what way does Jordan appear as a particularism or, on the contrary, how does this case study allows to