Musa Sroor
Chercheur associé à l’IREMAM (2019)
Associate Professor (maître de conférence) of Modern and contemporary History, Birzeit University
Contact : msroor[at]
Discipline : Histoire
Spécialité : Histoire juridique, sociale et économique de la Palestine à l’époque ottomane et contemporaine
Terrains : Palestine, Proche-Orient
Membre du pôle Histoire des mondes arabes et musulmans
Membre du pôle Histoire et islamologie : objets et pratiques (2019-2024)
Thèmes de recherche
- L’histoire juridique, sociale et économique de la Palestine à l’époque ottomane et contemporaine
- La question des waqfs dans les sociétés arabes et musulmanes notamment en Palestine
- La pensée politique (Ulémas) des élites religieuses du Proche-Orient durant la période ottomane et mandataire
Parcours académique
2005 : PhD (doctorate), Modern and Contemporary History, (IREMAM) University of Provence, Aix-Marseille 1.
2001 : DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies/Master Degree). Contemporary History University of Provence, Aix-Marseille 1.
1999 : Master Diploma, Arab Contemporary Studies, Birzeit University, Palestine.
1996 : Education Certificate, Birzeit University.
1996 : Bachelor Diploma, History, Birzeit University.
1989-90 : GCCC (High School Diploma), Ni’lin Secondary School (Ramallah-Palestine).
Expérience professionnelle
2005-present Associate Professor (maître de conférence) of Modern and contemporary History, Birzeit University.
2015- 2018 : Chairperson / Department of History and Archaeology.
2015- 2018 : Director of Master programme in Arab and Muslim History.
2007-2011 : Chairperson / Department of History and Archaeology.
2007-2011 : Director of Master programme in Arab and Muslim History.
The Money and Politics Syndrome: Foreign aid to Egypt during the second half of the twentieth century is an example. Algeria: Dar Kawkab Al-Ulum for Publishing, Printing and Distribution, 2023. (In Arabic).
With others. Historical Studies. Ministry of Education, Palestine. Textbook for Grade 12 (in Arabic), pp. 130.
Fondations pieuses en mouvement. De la transformation des statuts de propriété des biens waqfs à Jérusalem 1858-1917, Damas, Institut Français du Proche-Orient/Aix-en-Provence, IREMAM, 2010, 460 p.
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages
“The Problematic Humanitarian and Colonial Relationship between France and the Immigrants of the Zionist Movement to Ottoman Palestine: A Study in the Light of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Documents”. Arab Journal for the Humanities, University of Kuwait: Academic Publication Council. N°166, Vol. 42. Spring 2024. pp. 113-142. (In Arabic).
“The problem of the relationship between the political, the spiritual, and spatial space: the Sufi heritage in Jerusalem as an example”. Arab Journal of Culture. An annual peer-reviewed academic journal issued by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, No. 68, 2023. pp. 95-139. (In Arabic).
“The Waqf as an Anti-Colonial Tool: The Jerusalemite Village of Ain Karim as a Model”. Journal Al-Maqdisiyya, N. 13, Winter 2022, pp. 121-160. (In Arabic).
“The Problematic Religious and Political Relationship between the Sultanate and the Christian Awqāf Endowments) in Ottoman Jerusalem”. Ostour Journal for Historical Studies. Doha: Arab Institute, n° 14, July 2021, pp. 48-68. (In Arabic).
“The Problematic Religious and Political Relationship between the Sultanate and the Christian Awqāf (Endowments) in Ottoman Jerusalem”. Ostour, n° 14, 2021, pp. 48-67. (In Arabic).
“Jerusalem in French Archives”, Fusha Thaqâfiyya Filastiniyya Journal. Arab 48,12/ 10/2020 (In Arabic).
“Towards a New Vision from Micro-history into Macro-History: The Case of Jerusalem Waqf Documents as a Historical Source’’. Ostour Journal, Doha institute, vol. 12 July 2020, pp. 214-232. (In Arabic).
“Ottoman Foreign Policy toward Jerusalem Waqfs during the Nineteenth Century”, Al-Naciriyya Journal of Sociological and Historical Studies, Vol. 11, issue 1 June 2020, pp. 6-50.
“The Question of the Privatization of Jerusalem Waqf Land: The Land of Bethlehem and and Beit Jala as a Case Study since 1950”, in Alaadin Dolu (ed.), Filistin:Tarih, Toplum ve Seyaset, Istanbul: Libra Kitabcilik veYayincilik, pp. 19-247.
“al-Siyyast al-khârijiyya al-faransiyya tujâh awqâf al-maghâriba fî al-quds” (The Frenchforeign policy towards the Moroccan waqfs of Jerusalem), in Awqâf al-Quds (Jerusalem Waqfs), Jerusalem, pp. 320-340 (in Arabic).
“The Waqf and Building the Cities: The Old City of Jerusalem as a Case Study” in Comparative Study of the Waqf from the East: Dynamism of Norm and Practices in Religious and Familial Donations, Tokyo, Japan, Toyo Bunko, Oriental Library, Chapter II, pp. 27-41.
"Le contentieux franco-israélien à propos des biens waqfs maghrébins à Jérusalem 1948-1962", Annuaire Droit et Religions, Université d’Aix-Marseille, vol. 9, 25-45 p.
“The Question of the Privatization of Jerusalem Waqf Land: The Land of Bethlehem and Beit-Jala as a Case Study since 1950”, Bulletin of Palestine Studies, Issue 2, Winter 2017, pp. 76-102.
"La propriété immobilière des femmes musulmanes de Jérusalem (1831-1841) : entre la reconnaissance et la spoliation", HAWWA. Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, Brill, Leiden, n° 15/ 2017, pp. 31-50.
"Les waqfs chrétiens et juifs à Jérusalem aux XIXe siècle : étude analytique, critique et comparative", in Sabine Saliba, (dir.), Les fondations pieuses waqfs chez les chrétiens et les juifs : du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Paris, Geuthner, 215-33 p.
“Waqf Sahih (Correct) and Ghayr Sahih (Incorrect) between Personal Interests and Jurisprudence Application: A Case Study of the Waqfs of Bethlelem and Beit Jala (1948-1967)”, Al-Naciriya. Revue académique des études sociologiques et historiques, Publications du laboratoire des recherches sociologiques et historiques, Université de Mascara, Algérie, n° 7, juin 2016, pp. 121-60 (in Arabic).
“Artisan Societies and Sectarian Monopolies in Ottoman Jerusalem: A Case Study of the Jewelers Society through an Analysis of the Records of the Religious Courts of Jerusalem during the 17th Century” in Fathi al-Jiray (dir.), al-Hiraf wal-mahârât wal-hayât al-mihaniyya bil-‘âlam al-mutawasitî, Tunis, University of Tunis, pp. 105-14 (in Arabic).
"Le code civil ottoman et l’usurpation des biens waqfs : le cas de Jérusalem entre 1876-1914" in Ouddène Boughoufala (dir.), L’historien Nacerddine Saidouni précurseur des études ottomanes en Algérie, Publications du laboratoire des recherches sociologiques et historiques, Université de Mascara, Algérie, pp. 5-30.
"Jérusalem au tournant du XIXe siècle : une ville partagée", Métropolitiques, 9 mai 2014.
“The Real Estate Market in Jerusalem between Muslims and Christians (1800-1810)”, Oriente Moderno, Brill, 93, 2013, pp. 593-608.
“The Role of the Islamic Pious foundations (Waqf) in Building the Old City of Jerusalaem during the Islamic Periods (637-1917)”, in Robert Carvais, André Guillerme, Valérie Nègre and Joël Sakarovitch (eds.), Nuts & Bolts of Construction History: Culture, Technology and Society, vol. 2, Paris, Picard, pp. 229-37.
“The Challenges of Documenting Jerusalem History during the late Ottoman Era”, Arab Journal for the Humanities, n° 114, vol. 29, spring 2011, pp. 41-71 (in Arabic).
“Registers (sijill) of the Ottoman Court of Jerusalem” in Zakariya Muhammad and Salim Tamarî (eds.), Awrâq ‘âiliyya : Dirâsât fî al-tâtîkh al-ijtimâ’î al-mu’âsir li-filâstîn. 2e ed., Jerusalem, Mu’assat al-dirâsât al-filastîniyya, 2011, pp. 23-42 (in Arabic).
"Les biens waqfs musulmans au quartier chrétien de Jérusalem et la transformation en propriété chrétienne à la fin de l’époque ottomane", Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, 21ème année, n° 41-42, décembre 2010, pp. 145-207 (in Arabic).
"La métamorphose des institutions de waqfs de Saladin à Jérusalem dans la période ottomane", Revue d’Histoire Maghrébine, 37ème année, n° 139, juillet 2010, 79-111 p.
"L’immigration des juifs à Jérusalem et leurs waqfs entre 1800 et 1914 : objectifs charitables ou politiques ?" Al- Mawaqif, Revue des études et des recherches sur la Société et l’Histoire, n° 4, janvier/décembre 2009, 5-23 p.
"Les juges et la privatisation des biens waqfs à Jérusalem au XIXème siècle", Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, n° 37-38, December 2008, 329-47 p.
"La transformation des biens waqfs en propriété privée (jérusalémite et étrangère) à Jérusalem" in Roger Heacock, dir., Temps et espaces en Palestine : flux et résistances identitaires, Beyrouth, Institut français du Proche-Orient, 2008, 97-128 p.
"La transformation des biens waqfs en propriété privée à Jérusalem 1858- 1917", Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, n° 36, novembre 2007, 251-284 p.
“Jerusalem’s Islamic Archives: Sources for the Question of the Waqf in the Ottoman Period”, Jerusalem Quarterly, 2005, n° 22-23, pp. 80-86.