Spatial Appropriations in Modern Empires, 1820-1960 : Beyond Dispossession
Didier Guignard, Iris Seri-Hersch
New Castle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, 361 p.
This book provides fresh insights into colonial and imperial histories by focusing on spatial appropriations. Moving away from European notions of property, appropriation encompasses the many ways in which social actors consider a space as their own. This space may be physical or immaterial, public or intimate, lived or imagined.
In modern empires, spatial appropriations amounted neither to a material and violent dispossession orchestrated by European or Japanese powers, nor to an ongoing and unquestioned resistance by subaltern peoples. They were rather sites of complex interactions, in which the part of each actor owed as much to “foreign” domination as to other political, social, economic and environmental factors.
Cutting across common historiographical boundaries, the chapters of this book bring to light the declination and conjugation of various forms of spatial appropriation in the modern imperial age (1820-1960), taking readers on a journey from Russia to China, from the United States to South America, and from the Mediterranean world to Africa.
Didier Guignard is a CNRS Researcher at the Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans, France. His work focuses on the political, legal and social history of colonial and post-colonial Algeria. His last edited book is Propriété et société en Algérie contemporaine. Quelles approches ? (2017).
Iris Seri-Hersch is an Assistant Professor in Modern Middle Eastern History at Aix-Marseille University, France. Her work, published in both English and French, explores the history of Mahdist and colonial Sudan, Sudan Studies, and Palestine/Israel. She is the author of Enseigner l’histoire à l’heure de l’ébranlement colonial. Soudan, Égypte, empire britannique (1943-1960) (2018).
Contributeurs : Jean-Marie Bouron, Anna Bruzzone, Clélia Coret, Emmanuel Falguières, Didier Guignard, Lydia Hadj-Ahmed, Odile Hoffmann, Didier Inowlocki, Agnès Lainé, Qieyi Liu, Hinnerk Onken, Heloisa Rojas Gomez, Iris Seri-Hersch, Isabelle Surun.
Ouvrage publié avec le soutien de l’IREMAM, de l’IMAF et du LabexMed